The Spirit of the Living God is calling men and women to follow Jesus to a higher place. Jesus himself is calling you…. Are you going to follow Him or are you going to think up some valid sounding reason why you can’t this year…

We will discuss:

The call of Jesus to follow up the mountain
What to expect going up the mountain.
What awaits you at the top of the mountain.

Mark 3: 13: ”And He went up on the mountain and called to Him those He Himself wanted. And they came to Him.”

What an amazing scripture. There are a few main points in this that struck me.

Where was Jesus going?
Jesus was going up a mountain. He was moving in a specific direction. He was leading. He had a purpose in mind that would change history.

‘He called to Him’
Jesus is calling us to Himself. To come with Him on this journey up the mountain. To follow Him for who He is. Jesus is today calling you. He is saying the following:

“Come Son / Daughter, come to me – walk close with me and I will lead you up this mountain. There will be difficulty and challenges but I am calling you to come close to me. In being close to me I can show you the view from the top, I can release you to achieve more than you ever dreamt of for me.”

I can almost picture Him ahead, looking back at you with hand held out saying – come.

‘Those He Himself wanted’
Jesus wants you. He really really wants you. Today as you hear this word, your heart is tugging because THAT is Jesus calling you BECAUSE He Himself WANTS you. He has chosen you because He loves who you are and wants you to be part of His journey up the mountain – to the top. He wants your company. Your past does not matter, what matters is your choice today to say: Yes Jesus, I will come to You!

Okay… so now you want to follow Him up this mountain. What does climbing up this mountain entail:

You cannot decide to climb a mountain without some cost involved. Your commitment will determine if you achieve the top or not. Are you going to push thru even when you have lost sight of the top, even when all your buddies or family tell you that you are stupid, even when you can’t seem to see Jesus. Do you give up when the going gets tough? Or are you committed to follow the call of Jesus no matter what?

By Haadi